Last year this blog became a 10 film year-long season at NUS Museums, which included my first sighting of the infamous Hawaii 5-O episode(s) The Year of the Horse. This year it becomes a one-day event in London, as part of the Asia House Film Festival 2016, and 'Singaporeana Day' will take place at The Cinema Museum on the 5th March, and will include Pretty Polly, The Virgin Soldiers and a new HD (BluRay) file screening of Saint Jack, which will be the first time that's shown in the UK since it was released. I will be on hand to introduce each screening as lucidly as possible, and then at the end of this marathon of Singaporeana, I will be on a panel with some other luminaries from film-making and film criticism to discuss the films, their context and impact. All of this was made possible by secret legend Gareth Evans for introducing me to the good people of Asia House and then well-known legend Jasper Sharp, who is the festival director and organiser who got excited by the idea and really pushed it through against all the various challenges of prints and rights acquisition that we faced. I look forward to seeing UK people at the event, come and say hi!
Hi Ben! HD BluRay? Must get myself a copy.